- Martin BommasProfessor and Director of the Macquarie University History Museum
Director of the Qubbet el-Hawa Research Project
Macquarie University, Sydney - Sara E. ColeAssistant Curator, Antiquities Department , J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
- Olaf E. KaperProfessor of Egyptology , Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University
5. The Kellis Mammisi: A Painted Chapel from the Final Centuries of the Ancient Egyptian Religion
- Jorrit M. KelderAssociate of the Sub-Faculty of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford
Senior Grant Adviser, Leiden University - Martina Minas-NerpelProfessor of Egyptology , University of Trier
- Luigi PradaAssistant Professor of Egyptology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History , Uppsala University
- Jeffrey SpierAnissa and Paul John Balson II Senior Curator of Antiquities , J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
- George SpyropoulosHead of the Department of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the Department of Museums of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corinth
Deputy Director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corinth6. Appropriation and Synthesis in the Villa of Herodes Atticus at Eva (Loukou), Greece
- Alexandra VillingCurator, Department of Greece and Rome , The British Museum, London
2. Mediterranean Encounters: Greeks, Carians, and Egyptians in the First Millennium BC
- Paul D. WordsworthAssociate Lecturer in Islamic Archaeology , University College London